Israel: a regime of superiority and terrorists in uniform
By Orly Noy • (Translated by Sol Salbe)
Anyone who thinks that Balad (Palestinian political party) is too extreme, that the state of all its citizens is a far-reaching idea: Let them openly admit that they have no problem with the fact that their children and grandchildren will become terrorists in uniform who work together with out-of-uniform to oppress, shoot and kill unarmed civilians. Because this is not a deviation from the course, this is the course itself.
Anyone who thinks that a regime built on defining one group as legally superior to another group will stop at some imaginary line of decency or morality, anyone who thinks that a regime of superiority will not necessarily dehumanise the other who by definition is placed as inferior to them, really does not understand how humanity works.
These photos taken today by Oren Ziv in Hawara, of settlers attacking Palestinian residents under the auspices and assistance of the army, are not a deviation from the course: they are a natural and necessary result of a regime built on dividing people into superiors and inferiors. And this division begins within the boundaries of the Green Line, not outside of them.
Let’s work to eradicate it, for God’s sake. One day our descendants will ask where the hell we were when all this horror happened.