#IWD– 43 Palestinian women held as political prisoners in Israel
RAMALLAH, Saturday, March 7, 2020 (WAFA) — Marking International Women’s Day, which coincides tomorrow, the Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS) said today that there are 43 Palestinian women incarcerated in Israel for resisting the Israeli occupation of their land.
It said 27 of the women have been sentenced to various terms, the highest is 16 years for Shurouq Dwayat, from occupied East Jerusalem, and Shatilla Abu Ayyad, from inside Israel.
It said that 16 of the women prisoners are mothers, four held in administrative detention for various period without charge or trial and based on secret evidence, and eight were shot and wounded by soldiers before they were detained.
The PPS said one of wounded women is Isra Jaabis, 35, a mother of one child from Jerusalem who was arrested in October 2015 after a gas cylinder exploded in her car near an Israeli army checkpoint that caused her 60% burns on her body, mutilation, and amputation of eight fingers. She was also sentenced to 11 years in prison.
The PPS said Israel detained more than 16,000 Palestinian women since its occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip in June 1967.
It said the women prisoners undergo heavy interrogation and torture during detention to force them to sign confessions.